A Few of My Favorite (Sleepy) Things

When it comes to sleep training and encouraging healthy sleep habits in general, there are a few tricks of the trade that make the process easier.   These aren’t necessities, but will aid your child in falling asleep easier and staying asleep longer 90% of the time.  Below you’ll find a few of my most favorite…

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Navigating the Holidays with Your Well-Rested Child

No matter how prepared we are as parents, or how well rested our children are, the holidays tend to bring unexpected twists and turns that can derail any healthy sleeper. Below I’ve included some helpful strategies to get you through the craziness so that your child’s sleep can remain on track. First of all, what…

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Those Tricky Sleep Transitions

There aren’t many sleep transitions that just blow over without being noticed. Most times they are met with frustration and bewilderment when we see our “great sleeper” having issues falling asleep or staying asleep. Could one of the transitions be to blame?  These are the major transitions to prepare for (newborn-age 5): Moving from watching…

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Daylight Savings Time Strategies

I don’t think I’ve ever met a parent who didn’t have a bit of apprehension for daylight savings time. We all dread the unwanted disruption and secretly wish there were some kind of magic pill we could give our kids to encourage just one more measly hour of sleep each morning until the transition is…

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