Sleep Zzz Pillow Review

When I agreed to try the Sleep Zzz Pillow I had no idea what to expect. Which of my children would take ownership of it? Do I even want to introduce it to any of my already healthy, consistent sleepers? I couldn’t help but worry that throwing something like this into the mix could create drama at bedtime, or even worse, through the night. What had I gotten myself into??
Before the Sleep Zzz Pillow arrived I didn’t know much about it. I had no idea what it looked like, or how to use it. All I knew what that it was made in the USA, was intended for children ages 3 and up, and it would be a neutral chevron print. So, without any kids around, I opened the box to explore what was inside. The pillow was larger than expected, luxuriously soft, and reminded me of a pregnancy pillow I used in the past. Of course I had to try it out for myself right then and there J. Wow. Even though it’s intended for children, it felt so comfortable to lay on. It’s shaped like an upside down U, so there is somewhere to put your arms as well as support for your back if you lay on your side. Forget the kids, I NEED ONE!!! I had a hard time making myself get up off the floor, but the pudgy two-year-old’s fingers searching from underneath my bedroom door didn’t leave me much choice.
I decided to let my 5-year-old daughter, Faith, make it her own. The reason I chose her over her siblings is because she’s always the one who seems to have the most issues when it comes to sleep. For example, she takes the longest to fall asleep, wakes earlier than everyone else in the morning, fights the bedtime routine some nights, etc. She also stopped napping earlier than any of my other children. I felt that if I would notice the benefits of it with someone, it would be her!
She was so excited about it.
Here’s a picture of her first night. And here she is the next morning.
The first thing I noticed was that when I went in to check on her in the night she wasn’t snoring. She has snored fairly loudly since she was a newborn. (Her pediatrician said it could be an enlargement of tonsils/adenoids, but nothing to be concerned about at this time.) Faith shares a room with her two big sisters and they even commented the next morning on how she didn’t snore! I’m thinking that having her head raised a bit on the Sleep Zzz Pillow helped with this!
Secondly, she now SLEEPS IN with her older sisters. She uses a SleepBuddy to let her know when to get out of bed, and before we introduced the Sleep Zzz Pillow I would hear her little feet coming down the hall immediately after it turned off. Now she sleeps past that typical wake-time most mornings. Woohoo!
It’s been over a month now and she has slept on her Sleep Zzz Pillow every night so far. I asked her what she likes best about it and she said, “Its softness.” The only negative comment she made was that she feels like it’s a bit too hot. She said she gets sweaty at night, and many nights I’ll find her with her old pillow on top of the Sleep Zzz Pillow because the pillowcase is cooler. I’ll have to find a different pillowcase for it when summer rolls around!
Overall I’d say the Sleep Zzz Pillow is a winner at our house. My other children want one too! I can’t wait to recommend this product to the families I work with and I’m so glad we got the chance to try it out and experience the benefits of using it firsthand. Faith is forever grateful for this special gift!
We love ours too! She hasn’t complained about getting hot, so curious to see if she does in summer.